Hágase Kidney Health Coach

El Kidney Health Coach es el programa gratuito de educación comunitaria sobre salud que ofrece el American Kidney Fund.   

Tome el curso en español

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Vea: un momento para motivar con Tamara Walker, Kidney Health Coach

¿Le apasiona la prevención de la enfermedad renal? ¿Le gusta instruir a otras personas sobre la importancia de llevar un estilo de vida saludable? En tal caso, ¡el programa Kidney Health Coach es para usted!

Este programa dota a los profesionales de la salud y al público general de los conocimientos y las herramientas necesarias para instruir a los pacientes y a la comunidad sobre la prevención y el control de la enfermedad renal.

Undrella Woody

¿Por qué hacerse Kidney Health Coach?

Como Kidney Health Coach, usted:

  • Concientizará sobre la enfermedad renal y sus factores de riesgo.
    Ayudará a las personas a aprender cómo prevenir la enfermedad renal y la falla renal.
  • Alentará a la gente a hacerse pruebas y a modificar su estilo de vida para preservar su salud renal.
  • Forjará relaciones de confianza con personas de su comunidad.
  • Dispondrá de acceso a herramientas y recursos pensados para concientizar sobre la enfermedad renal e instruir a la comunidad sobre ella.
  • Recibirá el apoyo y la orientación de los miembros especializados del AKF que lideran el programa.
  • Se incorporará a la comunidad de Kidney Health Coaches dedicados a tareas similares, en la cual encontrará apoyo y podrá compartir sus vivencias.
Dr.Hailey Gascoigne, KHC

"I have actively educated others about kidney disease through a series of focused initiatives, including organizing community outreach programs and health seminars dedicated to raising awareness about the risk factors, prevention, and management of kidney disease."

Dr. Hailey Gascoigne, Kidney Health Coach
KHC coaches


Resumen del curso de Kidney Health Coach

El programa de Kidney Health Coach consiste en un curso de 2 horas que se imparte por internet al ritmo que elige la persona, y se presenta en una serie de cuatro módulos.

Para hacerse Kidney Health Coach deberá completar todos los componentes del curso.

Una vez los haya completado, recibirá un certificado de haberlo hecho. Se ofrecen créditos de capacitación continuada (CE) sin costo para ciertos profesionales de la salud.

Infórmese sobre el curso de Kidney Health Coach y los créditos de CE disponibles.
Magdalene Robinson

"I became a Kidney Health Coach while on home dialysis. I started educating the public about kidney disease through my blog and 1:1 talks with members of my community." 

Magdalene Robinson, Kidney Health Coach

Subvenciones de equidad en salud

Las subvenciones de equidad en salud amplían el alcance y la repercusión del programa de Kidney Health Coach porque permiten a las organizaciones de base y a los orientadores de todo el país transmitir a las comunidades de riesgo los mensajes sobre la prevención y la progresión de la enfermedad renal.

  • Ciclo 1 (de noviembre de 2023 a noviembre de 2024): El AKF otorgó subvenciones a 4 organizaciones y a 29 orientadores.
  • Ciclo 2 (de octubre de 2024 a octubre de 2025): El AKF seleccionó a las 4 organizaciones y los 20 orientadores que recibirán la subvención.

Vea este video en el que se explica la repercusión que tienen en sus comunidades los Kidney Health Coaches subvencionados. Sea en talleres de capacitación, en eventos comunitarios o en simples conversaciones personales, estos orientadores especializados están habilitando a las personas para que asuman el mando de su propia salud renal.

Consejor Asesor de los Kidney Health Coaches

El Consejor Asesor de los Kidney Health Coaches colabora con el American Kidney Fund para garantizar que todo el contenido del programa de Orientador de Salud Renal y sus materiales atiendan las necesidades de los orientadores a la hora de difundir en sus comunidades la información sobre la enfermedad renal.

  • Candice Stephens

    Candice Stephens

    Candice Stephens is a kidney and pancreas transplant recipient. She founded Day After Foundation, Inc. in 2022, which is a non-profit organization that provides tools and resources to transplant patients. She is the Support Group Facilitator and mentor for the Georgia Transplant Foundation. Her hobbies include spending time with her family, traveling, reading, shopping, and volunteering.

  • Debbie Adam

    Debbie Adam

    Debbie Adam is a graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park, and received her B.S. in Biological Sciences with Research Honors and B.A. in Spanish Language, Literature & Culture from The University of Maryland, College Park. She co-founded and co-presided the University of Maryland chapter of the Kidney Disease Screening and Awareness Program (UMCP KDSAP) for 2019-2020, 2020-2021, and 2021-2022 calendar years. Currently, she is an active member of the KDSAP National Communications Committee. Debbie is a-medical student at The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine and holds a vested interest in advancing community health education.

  • Ethan Pham

    Ethan Pham

    Ethan Pham currently lives in Orange County, California where he attends Corona del Mar High School. He has shadowed a nephrologist at his practice for the past two summers and has also given Kidney Health Coach presentations at dialysis centers and a doctor’s office. Some of his hobbies include playing tennis, traveling, and running.

  • Jackeline Flores

    Jackeline Flores

    Jackeline Flores, MD was born and raised in Guatemala where she obtained her Medical Degree and her master’s in science in Internal Medicine from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala. Her interest in Nephrology started in medical school and her additional exposure to patients with kidney diseases encouraged Jackeline to pursue a Nephrology Fellowship. She has 10+ years of medical experience and now lives in St. Louis, Missouri

  • Jamie Smythe

    Jamie Smythe

    Jamie Smythe has been a public servant for the last 15 years, as a Paralegal and Notary Public. Since 2011, she has been a patient advocate. She dedicated her life to serving, educating, and advocating for the kidney community. Jamie invests in her continuing education and personal development. To be the best advocate she can be, she leads by example and shares information and resources she has received along the way. Jamie’s purpose is to leave a legacy of faith, hope and love.

  • Rhonda Hill

    Rhonda Hill

    Rhonda Hill was born in Suffolk, VA and currently resides in Raleigh, NC. She is a Registered nurse (17 years) and a recent graduate from the University of North Carolina-Wilmington with her Master’s Degree in Healthcare Administration. Her hobbies include photography, resin crafts, painting, woodworking, and house plants.

  • Tieranee Sturdivant

    Tieranee Sturdivant

    Tieranee Sturdivant is a proud human resources turned healthcare professional who strives to transform the current standard of kidney care for an underserved market! Her passion for serving this community stems from her mother being on dialysis and brother passing away from end-stage renal disease. She is interested in mitigating the disparities minorities face, particularly Black Americans, due to the increased likelihood of developing kidney disease. She has diverse experience in dialysis clinics, a hospital renal unit, and a value-based kidney care company. 

  • Wallace Green Sr

    WallACE Green Sr.

    WallACE Green Sr. is retired Navy, retired Virginia Employment Commissioner, and founder of Health & Awareness (H&A). H&A, a non-profit organization targets the underserved, seniors, and those suffering from health care disparities. As a Kidney Health Coach, a two-time kidney transplant recipient and author of "Why Not Me" Prevention of Kidney Disease Health Guide, he advocates prevention and organ donation.

    WallACE has an A.A. in Radio & TV, A.A. in Business and a B.S in Sociology from Saint Leo University.

Questions on how to get started?

We're here to help. Email us at education@kidneyfund.org for support and we'll do our best to respond within 7 business days.