Annual reports

Our annual reports provide a year-in-review of what we've accomplished, our impact on kidney patients and information on key financials. It is only through the generous support of our donors that we are able to fight kidney disease on all fronts. Your generosity is what allows us to fulfill our mission and positively impact so many lives.

black woman smiling green shirt outside
Graphic of two kidneys made of people

AKF 2022 Annual Report

The Power of Community: United in Our Drive to End Kidney Disease

“The Power of Community: United in Our Drive to End Kidney Disease,” outlines the significant progress AKF  made in 2022 on behalf of all those affected by kidney disease, thanks to generous support from our dedicated community of donors.

View the 2022 Annual Report

AKF Camp All Stars

AKF 2021 Annual Report

50 years of fighting for patients & families

AKF donors made a direct and measurable impact on the kidney community in 2021. See how our collective commitment to the fight against kidney disease makes more milestones possible.

mom and son wearing masks schoolprep shutterstock 1797435532

AKF 2020 Annual Report

A beacon of hope through the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic created the greatest public health emergency for people living with kidney disease that AKF has seen in our history. See how AKF was able to be there for patients like no other organization during a historic year. You’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view downloaded PDF files.


Con el AKF, su ayuda llega más lejos

Esto fue lo que lograron en 2021 sus donaciones al AKF.

134 transplants monthly

134 transplants monthly

134 kidney transplants per month made possible with AKF's support, more than any other organization.

66,000 patients

66,000 patients

More than 66,000 dialysis and recent transplant patients were able to afford health care coverage and other treatment-related expenses.

More than $70,000 in disaster grants

More than $70,000 in disaster grants

More than $70,000 provided to nearly 300 kidney patients affected by natural disasters.

51 scientists

51 scientists

51 alumni and current AKF scientists advanced nephrology research.

6,000 kidney health coaches

6,000 kidney health coaches

completed our training course to educate others about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle

More than 200 kids and teens

More than 200 kids and teens

connected with their peers in our National Virtual Camp Program for pediatric kidney patients.