
Etapas o estadios de la enfermedad renal

Sepa a qué se refieren las etapas de la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) y la relación que hay entre las etapas y el resultado de la prueba de eGFR. Vea un resumen de cada una de las cinco etapas.
Revisión médica de
AKF's Medical Advisory Committee
Última actualización
March 18, 2025

El paso entre las diversas etapas de la enfermedad renal suscita a menudo numerosas dudas e inquietudes. Queremos ofrecer un espacio útil e informativo que lo/a ayude a entender cada una de las cinco etapas de la enfermedad renal. Conozca las alteraciones que se producen en los riñones al progresar la enfermedad, sepa cómo cuidar de su salud e infórmese sobre las opciones de tratamiento.
Nuestra intención es ofrecerles a usted y a sus seres queridos los conocimientos que necesiten para enfrentar este reto con confianza y esperanza.

La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) se produce cuando los riñones están dañados y no son capaces de depurar bien la sangre. El médico determina el grado de función renal mediante dos análisis: uno de sangre y otro de orina. El análisis de sangre estudia la filtración glomerular estimada (eGFR) o la cantidad de creatinina (un producto de desecho) que hay en la sangre. El análisis de orina estudia el cociente albúmina/creatinina urinario (uACR) y la posible presencia de un problema llamado albuminuria, que consiste en que la orina (es decir, el pis) contiene una proteína llamada albúmina. Para saber si la persona tiene ERC, el médico le repite estos análisis con la intención de determinar si el daño renal es persistente (es decir, que se mantiene durante un mínimo de 3 meses).

Sabiendo la causa y los datos de la eGFR y el uACR, el médico determinará la etapa en que se encuentra la ERC de la persona. Esta información les permitirá a usted y a su médico conocer el riesgo de que empeore la enfermedad renal y de que aparezcan complicaciones (por ejemplo, insuficiencia cardíaca), así como conocer sus opciones de tratamiento.

¿A qué se refieren las etapas de la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC)?

La ERC se divide en cinco etapas o categorías que dependen del valor de la eGFR. Las cinco etapas de la ERC se refieren al grado de funcionamiento de los riñones. La enfermedad renal puede empeorar con el tiempo. En las primeras etapas (de la 1 a la 3), los riñones aún son capaces de depurar los desechos de la sangre. En las últimas etapas (la 4 y la 5), a los riñones les cuesta más trabajo depurar la sangre y podrían dejar de funcionar por completo.

La etapa 1 de la ERC (eGFR de 90 o más)

La ERC en etapa 1 significa que la persona tiene una eGFR normal de 90 o más y un daño renal leve. Los riñones aún funcionan bien, por lo que quizá no tenga síntomas. Podría haber otras señales de daño renal, como por ejemplo la presencia de proteínas en la orina, que se puede detectar con la prueba del uACR.

Infórmese sobre la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) en etapa 1

La etapa 2 de la ERC (eGFR de entre 60 y 89)

La ERC en etapa 2 significa que la eGFR ha caído a entre 60 y 89 y la persona tiene un daño renal leve. Los riñones casi siempre funcionan bien aún, por lo que quizá no tenga síntomas. Quizá tenga otras señales de daño renal, como por ejemplo la presencia de proteínas en la orina o daños físicos.

Infórmese sobre la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) en etapa 2

La etapa 3 de la ERC (eGFR de entre 30 y 59)

La ERC en etapa 3 significa que la eGFR está entre 30 y 59 y la persona tiene un daño renal leve o moderado. Los riñones no hacen como es debido su función de depurar los desechos y eliminar el líquido extra de la sangre. Estos desechos se pueden acumular en el organismo y empezar a causar otros problemas de salud, como la presión arterial alta y las alteraciones en los huesos. Podrían empezar a aparecer síntomas, tales como la debilidad, el cansancio o la hinchazón de pies y manos.

La ERC en etapa 3 se divide en dos subetapas en función de la eGFR :

  • La etapa 3a significa que la persona tiene una eGFR de entre 45 y 59
  • En la etapa 3b, la eGFR está entre 30 y 44

Con el tratamiento y las modificaciones del estilo de vida, muchas personas que están en la etapa 3 no progresan a las etapas 4 o 5.

Infórmese sobre la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) en etapa 3

La etapa 4 de la ERC (eGFR de entre 15 y 29)

La ERC en etapa 4 significa que la eGFR está entre 15 y 29 y la persona tiene un daño renal moderado o severo. Los riñones no hacen como es debido su función de depurar los desechos de la sangre. Estos desechos se pueden acumular en el organismo y causar otros problemas de salud, como la presión arterial alta, las alteraciones en los huesos y la insuficiencia cardíaca. Es probable que aparezcan síntomas como la hinchazón de las manos y los pies y el dolor en la parte baja de la espalda.

Esta etapa es importante porque es la última antes de la falla renal. Es importante acudir periódicamente al nefrólogo (el médico de los riñones) para tomar medidas que retrasen el daño renal y planificar de antemano los posibles tratamientos para la falla renal.

Infórmese sobre la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) en etapa 4

La etapa 5 de la ERC (eGFR menor de 15)

La ERC en etapa 5 significa que la eGFR es menor de 15 y la persona tiene enfermedad renal terminal. Los riñones están a punto de fallar o ya fallaron (dejaron de funcionar). Puesto que los riñones dejaron de depurar los productos de desecho de la sangre, estos se pueden acumular en el organismo, lo cual puede hacer que la persona se ponga muy enferma y causarle otros problemas médicos. Cuando los riñones fallan, las únicas opciones de tratamiento que permiten seguir con vida son la diálisis y el trasplante renal.

Infórmese sobre la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) en etapa 5

Las etapas de la albuminuria

La ERC se clasifica también en función de la albuminuria, la cual se mide con un análisis de orina. Esta información les permitirá a usted y a su médico conocer mejor el riesgo de que aparezcan complicaciones y saber si la enfermedad renal está empeorando (por ejemplo, está progresando hacia la falla renal). Hay 3 categorías de albuminuria. 

  • A1: La cantidad de proteínas en la orina es normal o está ligeramente aumentada (menos de 30 mg/g o 3 mg/mmol)
    Es la categoría ideal y significa que los riñones funcionan con normalidad o apenas están afectados. Aunque la orina contenga un poco de albúmina, se trata de cantidades muy pequeñas.
  • A2: La cantidad de proteínas en la orina está moderadamente elevada (30-300 mg/g o 3-30 mg/mmol)
    Esta categoría significa que la orina contiene una cantidad apreciable de albúmina, lo cual quiere decir que los riñones están más afectados. Es posible que usted y su médico tengan que hablar sobre formas de controlar su salud renal e impedir que el daño aumente.
  • A3: La cantidad de proteínas en la orina está muy elevada (>300 mg/g o >30 mg/mmol)
    En esta categoría, la orina contiene mucha albúmina. Esto significa que el daño renal es severo y que la persona corre más riesgo de presentar falla renal u otras complicaciones (por ejemplo, insuficiencia cardíaca). 

Encárguese de su propia salud renal con la herramienta Know Your Kidneys ("Conozca sus riñones"). Se trata de una herramienta sencilla e interactiva que brinda perspectivas y consejos personalizados para ayudar a la persona a proteger sus riñones y conservar su salud. Introduzca los valores de sus análisis clínicos para saber qué dicen esos números sobre su salud renal. 

Know your kidneys

Encárguese de su propia salud renal con la herramienta Know Your Kidneys ("Conozca sus riñones"). Se trata de una herramienta sencilla e interactiva que brinda perspectivas y consejos personalizados para ayudar a la persona a proteger sus riñones y conservar su salud. Introduzca los valores de sus análisis clínicos para saber qué dicen esos números sobre su salud renal. 

Comience ya
Grandpa and grandson

MIRA: Conozca las 5 etapas de la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC)

American Kidney Fund

Know Your Kidney Numbers

Use our Know Your Kidney Numbers interactive tool to learn about:

  • Your kidney health now
  • Your risk of developing kidney disease in the future
  • How to slow down damage to your kidneys if you have kidney disease


By submitting this quiz, you are agreeing to the American Kidney Fund (AKF) privacy policy. Your quiz results will be stored and processed by AKF. If you have any questions, please email

1 of 6
Enter your eGFR test result:
When did you have this test? *Required
2 of 6
Enter your UACR test result:
When did you have this test? *Required
3 of 6
Does anyone in your family have kidney disease, such as a parent, grandparent or sibling? *Required
4 of 6
Do you have any of these health conditions? *Required
5 of 6
Are you Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native American or Asian American? *Required
6 of 6
Please enter your age in years:

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys are working well.

Based on your test results, your kidneys should be working well, but there are other factors that may affect your risk for kidney disease.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys are working well.

Based on your test results, your kidneys should be working well, but there are other factors that may affect your risk for kidney disease.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have mild damage but are still working well. Your risk of kidney disease is low. Talk to your doctor if you have certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have mild damage but should still be working well. Your risk of kidney disease is low, but other factors may affect your risk. Talk to your doctor if you have certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have mild damage but are still working well. Your risk of kidney disease is low. Talk to your doctor if you have certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys are working well.

Based on your test results, your kidneys should be working well, but there are other factors that may affect your risk for kidney disease.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have mild damage but are still working well. Your risk of kidney disease is low. Talk to your doctor if you have certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have mild damage but should still be working well. Your risk of kidney disease is low, but other factors may affect your risk. Talk to your doctor if you have certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys are working well.

Based on your test results, your kidneys should be working well, but there are other factors that may affect your risk for kidney disease.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys are working well.

Based on your test results, your kidneys should be working well, but there are other factors that may affect your risk for kidney disease.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have some damage but are still working fairly well.  

Based on your test results, your kidneys have some damage and do not work as well as they should to filter waste from your blood.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have some damage but are still working fairly well.  

Based on your test results, your kidneys have some damage and do not work as well as they should to filter waste from your blood.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have some damage but are still working fairly well.  

Based on your test results, your kidneys have some damage and do not work as well as they should to filter waste from your blood.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have some damage but are still working fairly well.  

Based on your test results, your kidneys have some damage and do not work as well as they should to filter waste from your blood.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have some damage but are still working fairly well.  

Based on your test results, your kidneys have some damage and do not work as well as they should to filter waste from your blood.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have some damage but are still working fairly well.  

Based on your test results, your kidneys have some damage and do not work as well as they should to filter waste from your blood.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have some damage but are still working fairly well.  

Based on your test results, your kidneys have some damage and do not work as well as they should to filter waste from your blood.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have some damage but are still working fairly well.  

Based on your test results, your kidneys have some damage and do not work as well as they should to filter waste from your blood.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have some damage but are still working fairly well.  

Based on your test results, your kidneys have some damage and do not work as well as they should to filter waste from your blood.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working, but not as well as they should.

Based on your test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working to filter some waste from your blood, but not as well as they should.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working, but not as well as they should.

Based on your test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working to filter some waste from your blood, but not as well as they should.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working, but not as well as they should.

Based on your test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working to filter some waste from your blood, but not as well as they should.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working, but not as well as they should.

Based on your test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working to filter some waste from your blood, but not as well as they should.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working, but not as well as they should.

Based on your test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working to filter some waste from your blood, but not as well as they should.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working, but not as well as they should.

Based on your test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working to filter some waste from your blood, but not as well as they should.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working, but not as well as they should.

Based on your test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working to filter some waste from your blood, but not as well as they should.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working, but not as well as they should.

Based on your test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working to filter some waste from your blood, but not as well as they should.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working, but not as well as they should.

Based on your test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working to filter some waste from your blood, but not as well as they should.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working, but not as well as they should.

Based on your test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working to filter some waste from your blood, but not as well as they should.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working, but not as well as they should.

Based on your test results, your kidneys have mild to moderate damage. They are still working to filter some waste from your blood, but not as well as they should.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live).

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live). Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live).

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live). Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live).

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live). Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live).

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live). Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live).

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live). Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live).

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live). Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live).

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live). Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live).

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live). Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live).

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live). Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live).

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live). Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your lab test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live).

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your test results, your kidneys may have moderate to severe damage. Your kidneys are still working, but not well, and may be close to failing (kidney failure means your kidneys have stopped working and you need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live). Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

Schedule an appointment with your doctor today to talk about your kidney health, and find a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one already.

Based on your lab test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist (kidney doctor), talk to your health care provider about finding one.

Based on your test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis (a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to) or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist, talk to your doctor about finding one.

Based on your lab test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist (kidney doctor), talk to your health care provider about finding one.

Based on your test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis (a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to) or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist, talk to your doctor about finding one.

Based on your lab test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist (kidney doctor), talk to your health care provider about finding one.

Based on your test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis (a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to) or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist, talk to your doctor about finding one.

Based on your lab test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist (kidney doctor), talk to your health care provider about finding one.

Based on your test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis (a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to) or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist, talk to your doctor about finding one.

Based on your lab test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist (kidney doctor), talk to your health care provider about finding one.

Based on your test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis (a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to) or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist, talk to your doctor about finding one.

Based on your lab test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist (kidney doctor), talk to your health care provider about finding one.

Based on your test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis (a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to) or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist, talk to your doctor about finding one.

Based on your lab test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist (kidney doctor), talk to your health care provider about finding one.

Based on your test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis (a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to) or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency.

If you do not already have a nephrologist, talk to your doctor about finding one.

Based on your lab test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist (kidney doctor), talk to your health care provider about finding one.

Based on your test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis (a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to) or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist, talk to your doctor about finding one.

Based on your lab test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency. 

If you do not already have a nephrologist (kidney doctor), talk to your health care provider about finding one.

Based on your test results, you are at the highest risk of your kidney health getting worse. Your kidneys may be getting very close to failure or may have already failed (stopped working). If your kidneys fail, you will need to start dialysis (a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to) or have a kidney transplant to live. Your kidneys can fail suddenly, which is a life-threatening emergency.

If you do not already have a nephrologist, talk to your doctor about finding one.

You did not enter an eGFR test result. If you have not had this test, ask your doctor if they recommend it. Having both test results (eGFR and UACR) will give you a better picture of how your kidneys are working.

Your eGFR result is XX mL/min/1.73. An eGFR number of 90 or more means your kidneys are working well to filter waste from your blood.

Your eGFR result is XX mL/min/1.73. An eGFR number between 60 and 89 means your kidneys’ ability to filter waste from your blood is mildly decreased. You may have mild kidney damage.

Your eGFR result is XX mL/min/1.73. An eGFR number between 45 and 59 means your kidneys may have mild to moderate damage and do not work as well as they should to filter waste from your blood.

Your eGFR result is XX mL/min/1.73. An eGFR number between 30 and 44 means you may have moderate to severe kidney damage. Your kidneys still work to filter waste from your blood, but not as well as they should.

Your eGFR result is XX mL/min/1.73. An eGFR number between 15 and 29 means you may have severe kidney damage. Your kidneys still work, but they are close to failing (which means not working at all).

Your eGFR result is XX mL/min/1.73. An eGFR number lower than 15 means you may have severe kidney damage. Your kidneys have failed and no longer work to filter waste from your blood, or they are very close to failing.

You did not enter a UACR test result. If you have not had this test, ask your doctor if they recommend it. Having both test results (eGFR and UACR) will give you a better picture of how your kidneys are working.

Your UACR result is XX mg/mmol. A UACR number less than 3 mg/mmol OR 30 mg/g means the test found no albumin (protein) in your urine, or an amount that is normal. This can mean your kidneys are working well.

Your UACR result is XX mg/g. A UACR number less than 3 mg/mmol OR 30 mg/g means the test found no albumin (protein) in your urine, or an amount that is normal. This can mean your kidneys are working well.

Your UACR result is XX mg/mmol. A UACR number between 3 and 29 mg/mmol or 30 and 299 mg/g means the test found some albumin (protein) in your urine. This protein can mean your kidneys have moderate damage and are not working as well as they should.

Your UACR result is XX mg/g. A UACR number between 3 and 29 mg/mmol or 30 and 299 mg/g means the test found some albumin (protein) in your urine. This protein can mean your kidneys have moderate damage and are not working as well as they should.

Your UACR result is XX mg/mmol. A UACR number over 29 mg/mmol or 299 mg/g means the test found an amount of albumin (protein) in your urine that may mean your kidneys are not working well, and that you have kidney disease.

Your UACR result is XX mg/g. A UACR number over 29 mg/mmol or 299 mg/g means the test found an amount of albumin (protein) in your urine that may mean your kidneys are not working well, and that you have kidney disease.

You said you had your blood or urine tests one year ago or less. Ask your doctor about having these tests again soon to confirm your test results and see if they are changing.

You said you had your blood or urine tests more than one year ago. Ask your doctor about having these tests again soon, so your results are up-to-date.

Your eGFR test result is in a normal range, but your UACR test result is not. This can happen with some health problems. Talk with your doctor about these results and ask if you need more tests.

Your UACR test result is in a normal range, but your eGFR test result is not. This can happen with some health problems. Talk with your doctor about these results and ask if you need more tests.

Your eGFR test result is in a normal range, but your UACR test result is not. This can happen with some health problems. Talk with your doctor about these results and ask if you need more tests.

Your UACR test result is in a normal range, but your eGFR test result is not. This can happen with some health problems. Talk with your doctor about these results and ask if you need more tests.

Download Your Personalized Kidney Health Report

Get your report to learn more about your lab test results and how the other information you shared affects your kidney health. Print or email your report to share with your doctor.

By submitting this form, you are signing up to receive email communications from the American Kidney Fund. You can change your preferences or unsubscribe at any time. Email with any questions.

You said you have a family history of kidney disease. Kidney disease runs in families. Find out more about your family health history, such as:

  • Who in your family has kidney disease?
  • What type of kidney disease did they have?

Bring this information to your doctor to talk about how it may affect your risk of developing kidney disease yourself, or what to do if you have kidney disease. Learn more about family history and kidney disease.

You said you have diabetes. With diabetes, you have a higher risk of developing kidney disease. The best way to prevent kidney disease caused by diabetes is to work with your doctor to control your blood sugar and get tested for kidney disease. Learn more about diabetes and kidney disease.

You said you have high blood pressure. High blood pressure is the top cause of kidney disease and can also be a symptom of kidney disease. Work with your doctor to keep your blood pressure under control. Learn more about high blood pressure and kidney disease.

You said you have heart disease. Heart disease can cause kidney disease, and kidney disease can cause heart disease. Talk to your doctor about your risk of developing kidney disease, and ways to treat your heart disease that can protect your kidneys too. Learn more about heart disease and kidney disease.

You said you have diabetes and high blood pressure. Together, these two conditions can give you a much higher risk of developing kidney disease or make kidney disease worse. Talk to your doctor about controlling your blood sugar and keeping your blood pressure under control. Learn more about diabetes and high blood pressure.

You said you have diabetes and heart disease. Together, these two conditions can give you a much higher risk of developing kidney disease or make kidney disease worse. Talk to your doctor about controlling your blood sugar and treating your heart disease with medicines. Learn more about diabetes and heart disease.

You said you have high blood pressure and heart disease. Together, these two conditions can give you a much higher risk of developing kidney disease or make kidney disease worse. Talk to your doctor about controlling your blood sugar, keeping your blood pressure under control and treating your heart disease with medicines. Learn more about high blood pressure and heart disease.

You said you have diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Together, these conditions can give you a much higher risk of developing kidney disease or make kidney disease worse. Talk to your doctor about keeping your blood pressure under control and treating your heart disease with medicines. Learn more about diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

You said you are African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native American or Asian American. This may give you a higher risk of developing kidney disease. This may be because diabetes and high blood pressure are more common in these groups. Learn more about the connection between race/ethnicity and kidney disease.

You said you are XX years old. Kidney disease can happen at any age, but it is more common in people ages 60 and older. As people age, their kidney function tends to go down. Talk to your doctor about yearly tests and exams to check your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about what a healthy weight is for you.
  • Get regular checkups with your doctor, even if you feel healthy, to stay on top of your health and find any early signs of medical issues  

What can I do to keep my kidneys working well?

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan: Choose lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink enough fluid and avoid added salt and excess sugar.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidneys.

Your next steps

  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about what a healthy weight is for you.
  • Get regular checkups with your doctor, even if you feel healthy, to stay on top of your health and find any early signs of medical issues  

What can I do to keep my kidneys working well?

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan: Choose lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink enough fluid and avoid added salt and excess sugar.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidneys.

Your next steps

  • Take your results with you to your next doctor’s appointment
  • Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure to make sure it is in a healthy range for you
  • If you have diabetes, check your blood sugar (glucose) regularly to make sure it is in a healthy range for you
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

Your next steps

  • Take your results with you to your next doctor’s appointment.
  • Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure to make sure it is in a healthy range for you.
  • If you have diabetes, check your blood sugar (glucose) regularly to make sure it is in a healthy range for you.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

What do these results mean for my kidneys?

You may not have any symptoms or notice any effects on your health from this mild kidney damage. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of kidney disease, talk to your doctor about a plan to keep track of your kidney health now and in the future.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan: Choose lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink enough fluid and avoid added salt and excess sugar.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Take your results with you to your next doctor's appointment
  • Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure to make sure it is in a healthy range for you
  • If you have diabetes, check your blood sugar (glucose) regularly to make sure it is in a health range for you
  • Download your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

Your next steps

  • Take your results with you to your next doctor’s appointment.
  • Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure to make sure it is in a healthy range for you.
  • If you have diabetes, check your blood sugar (glucose) regularly to make sure it is in a healthy range for you.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

What do these results mean for my kidneys?

You may not have any symptoms or notice any effects on your health from this mild kidney damage. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of kidney disease, talk to your doctor about a plan to keep track of your kidney health now and in the future.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan: Choose lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink enough fluid and avoid added salt and excess sugar.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about what a healthy weight is for you.
  • Get regular checkups with your doctor, even if you feel healthy, to stay on top of your health and find any early signs of medical issues  

What can I do to keep my kidneys working well?

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan: Choose lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink enough fluid and avoid added salt and excess sugar.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidneys.

Your next steps

  • Take your results with you to your next doctor’s appointment
  • Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure to make sure it is in a healthy range for you
  • If you have diabetes, check your blood sugar (glucose) regularly to make sure it is in a healthy range for you
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

Your next steps

  • Take your results with you to your next doctor’s appointment
  • Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure to make sure it is in a healthy range for you
  • If you have diabetes, check your blood sugar (glucose) regularly to make sure it is in a healthy range for you
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidneys?

You may not have any symptoms or notice any effects on your health from this mild kidney damage. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of kidney disease, talk to your doctor about a plan to keep track of your kidney health now and in the future.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan: Choose lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink enough fluid and avoid added salt and excess sugar.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about what a healthy weight is for you.
  • Get regular checkups with your doctor, even if you feel healthy, to stay on top of your health and find any early signs of medical issues  

What can I do to keep my kidneys working well?

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan: Choose lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink enough fluid and avoid added salt and excess sugar.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidneys.

Your next steps

  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about what a healthy weight is for you.
  • Get regular checkups with your doctor, even if you feel healthy, to stay on top of your health and find any early signs of medical issues  

What can I do to keep my kidneys working well?

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan: Choose lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink enough fluid and avoid added salt and excess sugar.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidneys.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor)
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Most of the time, your kidneys are still working well. You may not have any symptoms that you can feel, but you may have signs of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure or protein in your urine.

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests once a year.
  • If you should look for a nephrologist (kidney doctor).
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys. 
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level.
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

Making healthy choices to slow down the damage to your kidneys is important. If your kidney damage gets worse, you may develop kidney disease in the future. If that happens, your kidneys must work harder to get rid of waste.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian, which is a nutrition expert who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor)
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Most of the time, your kidneys are still working well. You may not have any symptoms that you can feel, but you may have signs of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure or protein in your urine.

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests once a year.If you should look for a nephrologist (kidney doctor).
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys. 
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level.
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

Making healthy choices to slow down the damage to your kidneys is important. If your kidney damage gets worse, you may develop kidney disease in the future. If that happens, your kidneys must work harder to get rid of waste.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian, which is a nutrition expert who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor)
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Most of the time, your kidneys are still working well. You may not have any symptoms that you can feel, but you may have signs of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure or protein in your urine.

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests once a year.
  • If you should look for a nephrologist (kidney doctor).
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys. 
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level.
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

Making healthy choices to slow down the damage to your kidneys is important. If your kidney damage gets worse, you may develop kidney disease in the future. If that happens, your kidneys must work harder to get rid of waste.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian, which is a nutrition expert who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor)
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Most of the time, your kidneys are still working well. You may not have any symptoms that you can feel, but you may have signs of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure or protein in your urine.

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests once a year.
  • If you should look for a nephrologist (kidney doctor).Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys. 
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level.
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

Making healthy choices to slow down the damage to your kidneys is important. If your kidney damage gets worse, you may develop kidney disease in the future. If that happens, your kidneys must work harder to get rid of waste.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian, which is a nutrition expert who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor)
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Most of the time, your kidneys are still working well. You may not have any symptoms that you can feel, but you may have signs of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure or protein in your urine.

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests once a year.
  • If you should look for a nephrologist (kidney doctor).
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys. 
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level.
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

Making healthy choices to slow down the damage to your kidneys is important. If your kidney damage gets worse, you may develop kidney disease in the future. If that happens, your kidneys must work harder to get rid of waste.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian, which is a nutrition expert who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor)
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Most of the time, your kidneys are still working well. You may not have any symptoms that you can feel, but you may have signs of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure or protein in your urine.

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests once a year.If you should look for a nephrologist (kidney doctor).
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys. 
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level.
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

Making healthy choices to slow down the damage to your kidneys is important. If your kidney damage gets worse, you may develop kidney disease in the future. If that happens, your kidneys must work harder to get rid of waste.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian, which is a nutrition expert who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor)
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Most of the time, your kidneys are still working well. You may not have any symptoms that you can feel, but you may have signs of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure or protein in your urine.

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests once a year.
  • If you should look for a nephrologist (kidney doctor).
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys. 
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level.
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

Making healthy choices to slow down the damage to your kidneys is important. If your kidney damage gets worse, you may develop kidney disease in the future. If that happens, your kidneys must work harder to get rid of waste.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian, which is a nutrition expert who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor)
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Most of the time, your kidneys are still working well. You may not have any symptoms that you can feel, but you may have signs of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure or protein in your urine.

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests once a year.
  • If you should look for a nephrologist (kidney doctor).
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys. 
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level.
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

Making healthy choices to slow down the damage to your kidneys is important. If your kidney damage gets worse, you may develop kidney disease in the future. If that happens, your kidneys must work harder to get rid of waste.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian, which is a nutrition expert who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor)
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Most of the time, your kidneys are still working well. You may not have any symptoms that you can feel, but you may have signs of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure or protein in your urine.

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests once a year.

If you should look for a nephrologist (kidney doctor).

Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys. 

If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level.

If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

Making healthy choices to slow down the damage to your kidneys is important. If your kidney damage gets worse, you may develop kidney disease in the future. If that happens, your kidneys must work harder to get rid of waste.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian, which is a nutrition expert who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you don’t already have one
  • Follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. A dietitian is a nutrition expert who can look at results from your lab tests and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys still work to filter extra fluid and waste out of your blood, but some of this waste stays in your body. This waste can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and bone disease, and heart disease. Your kidneys still work well enough that you do not need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests two times a year or more
  • Building a health care team to help you make a treatment plan, including:
    • A nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one
    • A dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but with treatment and healthy life changes, you can slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep them working as long as possible. These healthy life changes can also help you feel better if you are having symptoms.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you don’t already have one
  • Follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. A dietitian is a nutrition expert who can look at results from your lab tests and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more


What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys still work to filter extra fluid and waste out of your blood, but some of this waste stays in your body. This waste can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and bone disease, and heart disease. Your kidneys still work well enough that you do not need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests two times a year or more
  • Building a health care team to help you make a treatment plan, including:
  • A nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one
  • A dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but with treatment and healthy life changes, you can slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep them working as long as possible. These healthy life changes can also help you feel better if you are having symptoms.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you don’t already have one
  • Follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. A dietitian is a nutrition expert who can look at results from your lab tests and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys still work to filter extra fluid and waste out of your blood, but some of this waste stays in your body. This waste can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and bone disease, and heart disease. Your kidneys still work well enough that you do not need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests two times a year or more
  • Building a health care team to help you make a treatment plan, including:
    • A nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one
    • A dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but with treatment and healthy life changes, you can slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep them working as long as possible. These healthy life changes can also help you feel better if you are having symptoms.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you don’t already have one
  • Follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. A dietitian is a nutrition expert who can look at results from your lab tests and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys still work to filter extra fluid and waste out of your blood, but some of this waste stays in your body. This waste can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and bone disease, and heart disease. Your kidneys still work well enough that you do not need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests two times a year or more
  • Building a health care team to help you make a treatment plan, including:
    • A nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one
    • A dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but with treatment and healthy life changes, you can slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep them working as long as possible. These healthy life changes can also help you feel better if you are having symptoms.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you don’t already have one
  • Follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. A dietitian is a nutrition expert who can look at results from your lab tests and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys still work to filter extra fluid and waste out of your blood, but some of this waste stays in your body. This waste can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and bone disease, and heart disease. Your kidneys still work well enough that you do not need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests two times a year or more
  • Building a health care team to help you make a treatment plan, including:
    • A nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one
    • A dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but with treatment and healthy life changes, you can slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep them working as long as possible. These healthy life changes can also help you feel better if you are having symptoms.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you don’t already have one
  • Follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. A dietitian is a nutrition expert who can look at results from your lab tests and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys still work to filter extra fluid and waste out of your blood, but some of this waste stays in your body. This waste can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and bone disease, and heart disease. Your kidneys still work well enough that you do not need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests two times a year or more
  • Building a health care team to help you make a treatment plan, including:
    • A nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one
    • A dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but with treatment and healthy life changes, you can slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep them working as long as possible. These healthy life changes can also help you feel better if you are having symptoms.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you don’t already have one
  • Follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. A dietitian is a nutrition expert who can look at results from your lab tests and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys still work to filter extra fluid and waste out of your blood, but some of this waste stays in your body. This waste can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and bone disease, and heart disease. Your kidneys still work well enough that you do not need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests two times a year or more
  • Building a health care team to help you make a treatment plan, including:
    • A nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one
    • A dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but with treatment and healthy life changes, you can slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep them working as long as possible. These healthy life changes can also help you feel better if you are having symptoms.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you don’t already have one
Follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. A dietitian is a nutrition expert who can look at results from your lab tests and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys still work to filter extra fluid and waste out of your blood, but some of this waste stays in your body. This waste can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and bone disease, and heart disease. Your kidneys still work well enough that you do not need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests two times a year or more
  • Building a health care team to help you make a treatment plan, including:
    • A nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one
    • A dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but with treatment and healthy life changes, you can slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep them working as long as possible. These healthy life changes can also help you feel better if you are having symptoms.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you don’t already have one
  • Follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. A dietitian is a nutrition expert who can look at results from your lab tests and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys still work to filter extra fluid and waste out of your blood, but some of this waste stays in your body. This waste can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and bone disease, and heart disease. Your kidneys still work well enough that you do not need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests two times a year or more
  • Building a health care team to help you make a treatment plan, including:
    • A nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one
    • A dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but with treatment and healthy life changes, you can slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep them working as long as possible. These healthy life changes can also help you feel better if you are having symptoms.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you don’t already have one
  • Follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. A dietitian is a nutrition expert who can look at results from your lab tests and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys still work to filter extra fluid and waste out of your blood, but some of this waste stays in your body. This waste can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and bone disease, and heart disease. Your kidneys still work well enough that you do not need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests two times a year or moreBuilding a health care team to help you make a treatment plan, including:
    • A nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one
    • A dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but with treatment and healthy life changes, you can slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep them working as long as possible. These healthy life changes can also help you feel better if you are having symptoms.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. 
  • Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

  • Talk to your doctor about your kidney health, including yearly tests to keep track of how well your kidneys are working
  • Ask your doctor about finding a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you don’t already have one
  • Follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. A dietitian is a nutrition expert who can look at results from your lab tests and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys still work to filter extra fluid and waste out of your blood, but some of this waste stays in your body. This waste can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure and bone disease, and heart disease. Your kidneys still work well enough that you do not need dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are no longer able to.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk to your doctor

Talk to your doctor about:

  • A plan to keep track of your kidney health, such as getting lab tests two times a year or more
  • Building a health care team to help you make a treatment plan, including:
    • A nephrologist (kidney doctor) if you do not have one
    • A dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.
  • If you have high blood pressure, ask about medicines that help keep your blood pressure at a safe level
  • If you have diabetes, ask about how to keep your blood sugar within your target range

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but with treatment and healthy life changes, you can slow down the damage to your kidneys and keep them working as long as possible. These healthy life changes can also help you feel better if you are having symptoms.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. 
  • Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may still filter extra fluid and waste out of your body, but not as well as they should. The waste that stays in your body can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk with your nephrologist, or find one if you do not have one already

A nephrologist (kidney doctor) will treat your kidney disease with medicines that help with your symptoms and other health problems that kidney disease can cause, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan.

Talk to your nephrologist about:

  • Finding a dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks that you will want to eat.
  • Future choices you may have to make, such as going on dialysis or getting a kidney transplant.
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys.
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed). However, you can take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and help you feel your best.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may still filter extra fluid and waste out of your body, but not as well as they should. The waste that stays in your body can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk with your nephrologist, or find one if you do not have one already

A nephrologist (kidney doctor) will treat your kidney disease with medicines that help with your symptoms and other health problems that kidney disease can cause, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan.

Talk to your nephrologist about:

  • Finding a dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks that you will want to eat.
  • Future choices you may have to make, such as going on dialysis or getting a kidney transplant.
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys.
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed). However, you can take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and help you feel your best.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may still filter extra fluid and waste out of your body, but not as well as they should. The waste that stays in your body can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk with your nephrologist, or find one if you do not have one already

A nephrologist (kidney doctor) will treat your kidney disease with medicines that help with your symptoms and other health problems that kidney disease can cause, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan.

Talk to your nephrologist about:

  • Finding a dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks that you will want to eat.
  • Future choices you may have to make, such as going on dialysis or getting a kidney transplant.
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys.
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed). However, you can take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and help you feel your best.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may still filter extra fluid and waste out of your body, but not as well as they should. The waste that stays in your body can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk with your nephrologist, or find one if you do not have one already

A nephrologist (kidney doctor) will treat your kidney disease with medicines that help with your symptoms and other health problems that kidney disease can cause, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan.

Talk to your nephrologist about:

  • Finding a dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks that you will want to eat.
  • Future choices you may have to make, such as going on dialysis or getting a kidney transplant.
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys.
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed). However, you can take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and help you feel your best.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may still filter extra fluid and waste out of your body, but not as well as they should. The waste that stays in your body can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk with your nephrologist, or find one if you do not have one already

A nephrologist (kidney doctor) will treat your kidney disease with medicines that help with your symptoms and other health problems that kidney disease can cause, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan.

Talk to your nephrologist about:

  • Finding a dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks that you will want to eat.
  • Future choices you may have to make, such as going on dialysis or getting a kidney transplant.
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys.
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed). However, you can take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and help you feel your best.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may still filter extra fluid and waste out of your body, but not as well as they should. The waste that stays in your body can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk with your nephrologist, or find one if you do not have one already

A nephrologist (kidney doctor) will treat your kidney disease with medicines that help with your symptoms and other health problems that kidney disease can cause, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan.

Talk to your nephrologist about:

  • Finding a dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks that you will want to eat.
  • Future choices you may have to make, such as going on dialysis or getting a kidney transplant.
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys.
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed). However, you can take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and help you feel your best.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may still filter extra fluid and waste out of your body, but not as well as they should. The waste that stays in your body can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk with your nephrologist, or find one if you do not have one already

A nephrologist (kidney doctor) will treat your kidney disease with medicines that help with your symptoms and other health problems that kidney disease can cause, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan.

Talk to your nephrologist about:

  • Finding a dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks that you will want to eat.
  • Future choices you may have to make, such as going on dialysis or getting a kidney transplant.
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys.
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed). However, you can take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and help you feel your best.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may still filter extra fluid and waste out of your body, but not as well as they should. The waste that stays in your body can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk with your nephrologist, or find one if you do not have one already

A nephrologist (kidney doctor) will treat your kidney disease with medicines that help with your symptoms and other health problems that kidney disease can cause, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan.

Talk to your nephrologist about:

  • Finding a dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks that you will want to eat.
  • Future choices you may have to make, such as going on dialysis or getting a kidney transplant.
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys.
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed). However, you can take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and help you feel your best.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may still filter extra fluid and waste out of your body, but not as well as they should. The waste that stays in your body can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk with your nephrologist, or find one if you do not have one already

A nephrologist (kidney doctor) will treat your kidney disease with medicines that help with your symptoms and other health problems that kidney disease can cause, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan.

Talk to your nephrologist about:

  • Finding a dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks that you will want to eat.
  • Future choices you may have to make, such as going on dialysis or getting a kidney transplant.
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys.
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed). However, you can take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and help you feel your best.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may still filter extra fluid and waste out of your body, but not as well as they should. The waste that stays in your body can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk with your nephrologist, or find one if you do not have one already

A nephrologist (kidney doctor) will treat your kidney disease with medicines that help with your symptoms and other health problems that kidney disease can cause, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan.

Talk to your nephrologist about:

  • Finding a dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks that you will want to eat.
  • Future choices you may have to make, such as going on dialysis or getting a kidney transplant.
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys.
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed). However, you can take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and help you feel your best.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may still filter extra fluid and waste out of your body, but not as well as they should. The waste that stays in your body can build up and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your hands or feet
  • Skin that feels dry or itchy
  • Pain in your lower back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Urine that is foamy or darker in color than usual

Talk with your nephrologist, or find one if you do not have one already

A nephrologist (kidney doctor) will treat your kidney disease with medicines that help with your symptoms and other health problems that kidney disease can cause, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan.

Talk to your nephrologist about:

  • Finding a dietitian (a nutrition expert) who can help you plan healthy meals and snacks that you will want to eat.
  • Future choices you may have to make, such as going on dialysis or getting a kidney transplant.
  • Treatments or medicines to slow down the damage to your kidneys.
  • Any medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines. You may need to stop taking some medicines that can worsen the damage to your kidneys.

How can I slow down the damage to my kidneys?

The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed). However, you can take steps to slow down the damage to your kidneys and help you feel your best.

Here are ways to help keep your kidneys working well as long as possible:

  • Follow a kidney-friendly food plan. Meet with a dietitian who can look at your lab test results and help you plan healthy meals and snacks you will want to eat.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may not be filtering very much, if any, extra fluid or waste out of your body. The waste that stays in your body can make you very sick and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your arms, hands, legs or feet
  • Making little or no urine (pee)
  • Headaches or pain in your lower back
  • Feeling sick to your stomach
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling less hungry than normal
  • Trouble breathing
  • Changes in your skin color

What can I do if my kidneys have failed or are close to failing?

You will need to see a nephrologist (kidney doctor). The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but there are treatment options that can help you live. Your nephrologist will discuss your treatment options, which include medicines to help with your symptoms and other health problems kidney disease can cause. These medicines include:

  • Blood pressure medicines that help slow the damage to your kidneys
  • Diabetes medicines to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level (even if you do not have diabetes)
  • Medicines to help with swelling (diuretics)

Treatments for kidney failure

If your kidneys have failed, you will need treatment that takes the place of your kidneys to survive. These are:

  • Dialysis, which is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are not able to
  • A kidney transplant, which is surgery to give you a kidney from someone else’s body

Even if your kidneys are still working, ask your nephrologist to help you learn about your dialysis options. If your kidneys fail, you will want to be ready to get dialysis when you need it.

Follow your treatment plan

You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan. You should also:

  • Meet with a dietitian to help you create and follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. Your eating plan may involve limiting certain things to prevent them from building up in your body, such as fluids, potassium, salt (sodium) or phosphorus.
  • Follow your diabetes treatment plan to keep your blood sugar within your target range, if you have diabetes.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may not be filtering very much, if any, extra fluid or waste out of your body. The waste that stays in your body can make you very sick and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your arms, hands, legs or feet
  • Making little or no urine (pee)
  • Headaches or pain in your lower back
  • Feeling sick to your stomach
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling less hungry than normal
  • Trouble breathing
  • Changes in your skin color

What can I do if my kidneys have failed or are close to failing?

You will need to see a nephrologist (kidney doctor). The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but there are treatment options that can help you live. Your nephrologist will discuss your treatment options, which include medicines to help with your symptoms and other health problems kidney disease can cause. These medicines include:

  • Blood pressure medicines that help slow the damage to your kidneys
  • Diabetes medicines to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level (even if you do not have diabetes)
  • Medicines to help with swelling (diuretics)

Treatments for kidney failure

If your kidneys have failed, you will need treatment that takes the place of your kidneys to survive. These are:

  • Dialysis, which is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are not able to
  • A kidney transplant, which is surgery to give you a kidney from someone else’s body

Even if your kidneys are still working, ask your nephrologist to help you learn about your dialysis options. If your kidneys fail, you will want to be ready to get dialysis when you need it.

Follow your treatment plan

You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan. You should also:

  • Meet with a dietitian to help you create and follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. Your eating plan may involve limiting certain things to prevent them from building up in your body, such as fluids, potassium, salt (sodium) or phosphorus.
  • Follow your diabetes treatment plan to keep your blood sugar within your target range, if you have diabetes.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may not be filtering very much, if any, extra fluid or waste out of your body. The waste that stays in your body can make you very sick and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your arms, hands, legs or feet
  • Making little or no urine (pee)
  • Headaches or pain in your lower back
  • Feeling sick to your stomach
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling less hungry than normal
  • Trouble breathing
  • Changes in your skin color

What can I do if my kidneys have failed or are close to failing?

You will need to see a nephrologist (kidney doctor). The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but there are treatment options that can help you live. Your nephrologist will discuss your treatment options, which include medicines to help with your symptoms and other health problems kidney disease can cause. These medicines include:

  • Blood pressure medicines that help slow the damage to your kidneys
  • Diabetes medicines to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level (even if you do not have diabetes)
  • Medicines to help with swelling (diuretics)

Treatments for kidney failure

If your kidneys have failed, you will need treatment that takes the place of your kidneys to survive. These are:

  • Dialysis, which is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are not able to
  • A kidney transplant, which is surgery to give you a kidney from someone else’s body

Even if your kidneys are still working, ask your nephrologist to help you learn about your dialysis options. If your kidneys fail, you will want to be ready to get dialysis when you need it.

Follow your treatment plan

You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan. You should also:

  • Meet with a dietitian to help you create and follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. Your eating plan may involve limiting certain things to prevent them from building up in your body, such as fluids, potassium, salt (sodium) or phosphorus.
  • Follow your diabetes treatment plan to keep your blood sugar within your target range, if you have diabetes.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may not be filtering very much, if any, extra fluid or waste out of your body. The waste that stays in your body can make you very sick and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your arms, hands, legs or feet
  • Making little or no urine (pee)
  • Headaches or pain in your lower back
  • Feeling sick to your stomach
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling less hungry than normal
  • Trouble breathing
  • Changes in your skin color

What can I do if my kidneys have failed or are close to failing?

You will need to see a nephrologist (kidney doctor). The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but there are treatment options that can help you live. Your nephrologist will discuss your treatment options, which include medicines to help with your symptoms and other health problems kidney disease can cause. These medicines include:

  • Blood pressure medicines that help slow the damage to your kidneys
  • Diabetes medicines to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level (even if you do not have diabetes)
  • Medicines to help with swelling (diuretics)

Treatments for kidney failure

If your kidneys have failed, you will need treatment that takes the place of your kidneys to survive. These are:

  • Dialysis, which is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are not able to
  • A kidney transplant, which is surgery to give you a kidney from someone else’s body

Even if your kidneys are still working, ask your nephrologist to help you learn about your dialysis options. If your kidneys fail, you will want to be ready to get dialysis when you need it.

Follow your treatment plan

You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan. You should also:

  • Meet with a dietitian to help you create and follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. Your eating plan may involve limiting certain things to prevent them from building up in your body, such as fluids, potassium, salt (sodium) or phosphorus.
  • Follow your diabetes treatment plan to keep your blood sugar within your target range, if you have diabetes.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may not be filtering very much, if any, extra fluid or waste out of your body. The waste that stays in your body can make you very sick and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your arms, hands, legs or feet
  • Making little or no urine (pee)
  • Headaches or pain in your lower back
  • Feeling sick to your stomach
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling less hungry than normal
  • Trouble breathing
  • Changes in your skin color

What can I do if my kidneys have failed or are close to failing?

You will need to see a nephrologist (kidney doctor). The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but there are treatment options that can help you live. Your nephrologist will discuss your treatment options, which include medicines to help with your symptoms and other health problems kidney disease can cause. These medicines include:

  • Blood pressure medicines that help slow the damage to your kidneys
  • Diabetes medicines to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level (even if you do not have diabetes)
  • Medicines to help with swelling (diuretics)

Treatments for kidney failure

If your kidneys have failed, you will need treatment that takes the place of your kidneys to survive. These are:

  • Dialysis, which is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are not able to
  • A kidney transplant, which is surgery to give you a kidney from someone else’s body

Even if your kidneys are still working, ask your nephrologist to help you learn about your dialysis options. If your kidneys fail, you will want to be ready to get dialysis when you need it.

Follow your treatment plan

You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan. You should also:

  • Meet with a dietitian to help you create and follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. Your eating plan may involve limiting certain things to prevent them from building up in your body, such as fluids, potassium, salt (sodium) or phosphorus.
  • Follow your diabetes treatment plan to keep your blood sugar within your target range, if you have diabetes.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may not be filtering very much, if any, extra fluid or waste out of your body. The waste that stays in your body can make you very sick and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your arms, hands, legs or feet
  • Making little or no urine (pee)
  • Headaches or pain in your lower back
  • Feeling sick to your stomach
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling less hungry than normal
  • Trouble breathing
  • Changes in your skin color

What can I do if my kidneys have failed or are close to failing?

You will need to see a nephrologist (kidney doctor). The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but there are treatment options that can help you live. Your nephrologist will discuss your treatment options, which include medicines to help with your symptoms and other health problems kidney disease can cause. These medicines include:

  • Blood pressure medicines that help slow the damage to your kidneys
  • Diabetes medicines to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level (even if you do not have diabetes)
  • Medicines to help with swelling (diuretics)

Treatments for kidney failure

If your kidneys have failed, you will need treatment that takes the place of your kidneys to survive. These are:

  • Dialysis, which is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are not able to
  • A kidney transplant, which is surgery to give you a kidney from someone else’s body

Even if your kidneys are still working, ask your nephrologist to help you learn about your dialysis options. If your kidneys fail, you will want to be ready to get dialysis when you need it.

Follow your treatment plan

You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan. You should also:

  • Meet with a dietitian to help you create and follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. Your eating plan may involve limiting certain things to prevent them from building up in your body, such as fluids, potassium, salt (sodium) or phosphorus.
  • Follow your diabetes treatment plan to keep your blood sugar within your target range, if you have diabetes.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may not be filtering very much, if any, extra fluid or waste out of your body. The waste that stays in your body can make you very sick and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your arms, hands, legs or feet
  • Making little or no urine (pee)
  • Headaches or pain in your lower back
  • Feeling sick to your stomach
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling less hungry than normal
  • Trouble breathing
  • Changes in your skin color

What can I do if my kidneys have failed or are close to failing?

You will need to see a nephrologist (kidney doctor). The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but there are treatment options that can help you live. Your nephrologist will discuss your treatment options, which include medicines to help with your symptoms and other health problems kidney disease can cause. These medicines include:

  • Blood pressure medicines that help slow the damage to your kidneys
  • Diabetes medicines to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level (even if you do not have diabetes)
  • Medicines to help with swelling (diuretics)

Treatments for kidney failure

If your kidneys have failed, you will need treatment that takes the place of your kidneys to survive. These are:

  • Dialysis, which is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are not able to
  • A kidney transplant, which is surgery to give you a kidney from someone else’s body

Even if your kidneys are still working, ask your nephrologist to help you learn about your dialysis options. If your kidneys fail, you will want to be ready to get dialysis when you need it.

Follow your treatment plan

You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan. You should also:

Meet with a dietitian to help you create and follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. Your eating plan may involve limiting certain things to prevent them from building up in your body, such as fluids, potassium, salt (sodium) or phosphorus.

  • Follow your diabetes treatment plan to keep your blood sugar within your target range, if you have diabetes.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may not be filtering very much, if any, extra fluid or waste out of your body. The waste that stays in your body can make you very sick and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your arms, hands, legs or feet
  • Making little or no urine (pee)
  • Headaches or pain in your lower back
  • Feeling sick to your stomach
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling less hungry than normal
  • Trouble breathing
  • Changes in your skin color

What can I do if my kidneys have failed or are close to failing?

You will need to see a nephrologist (kidney doctor). The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but there are treatment options that can help you live. Your nephrologist will discuss your treatment options, which include medicines to help with your symptoms and other health problems kidney disease can cause. These medicines include:

  • Blood pressure medicines that help slow the damage to your kidneys
  • Diabetes medicines to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level (even if you do not have diabetes)
  • Medicines to help with swelling (diuretics)

Treatments for kidney failure

If your kidneys have failed, you will need treatment that takes the place of your kidneys to survive. These are:

  • Dialysis, which is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are not able to
  • A kidney transplant, which is surgery to give you a kidney from someone else’s body

Even if your kidneys are still working, ask your nephrologist to help you learn about your dialysis options. If your kidneys fail, you will want to be ready to get dialysis when you need it.

Follow your treatment plan

You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan. You should also:

  • Meet with a dietitian to help you create and follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. Your eating plan may involve limiting certain things to prevent them from building up in your body, such as fluids, potassium, salt (sodium) or phosphorus.
  • Follow your diabetes treatment plan to keep your blood sugar within your target range, if you have diabetes.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

Your next steps

What do these results mean for my kidney health?

Your kidneys may not be filtering very much, if any, extra fluid or waste out of your body. The waste that stays in your body can make you very sick and cause other health problems, such as high blood pressure, bone disease and heart disease.

You may have symptoms of kidney disease, such as:

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Swelling in your arms, hands, legs or feet
  • Making little or no urine (pee)
  • Headaches or pain in your lower back
  • Feeling sick to your stomach
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling less hungry than normal
  • Trouble breathing
  • Changes in your skin color

What can I do if my kidneys have failed or are close to failing?

You will need to see a nephrologist (kidney doctor). The damage to your kidneys cannot be reversed (healed), but there are treatment options that can help you live. Your nephrologist will discuss your treatment options, which include medicines to help with your symptoms and other health problems kidney disease can cause. These medicines include:

  • Blood pressure medicines that help slow the damage to your kidneys
  • Diabetes medicines to keep your blood sugar at a healthy level (even if you do not have diabetes)
  • Medicines to help with swelling (diuretics)

Treatments for kidney failure

If your kidneys have failed, you will need treatment that takes the place of your kidneys to survive. These are:

  • Dialysis, which is a treatment to clean your blood when your kidneys are not able to
  • A kidney transplant, which is surgery to give you a kidney from someone else’s body

Even if your kidneys are still working, ask your nephrologist to help you learn about your dialysis options. If your kidneys fail, you will want to be ready to get dialysis when you need it.

Follow your treatment plan

You should see your nephrologist about every three months for lab tests and to talk about how you are feeling, such as if you are having trouble following your treatment plan. You should also:

  • Meet with a dietitian to help you create and follow a kidney-friendly eating plan. Your eating plan may involve limiting certain things to prevent them from building up in your body, such as fluids, potassium, salt (sodium) or phosphorus.
  • Follow your diabetes treatment plan to keep your blood sugar within your target range, if you have diabetes.
  • Be active for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week. This can be anything from walking or riding a bike to swimming or dancing.
  • Keep a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about a healthy weight for you.
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco.
  • Download Your Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Toolkit to learn more.

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about your kidney health.

American Kidney Fund

Answer these 5 questions to build a custom list of action items to help you manage your kidney disease. Whether you've recently been diagnosed or have been living with kidney disease for a while, this tool is designed to empower you with knowledge and insights to support your health journey.

By submitting this quiz, you are agreeing to the American Kidney Fund (AKF) privacy policy. Your quiz results will be stored and processed by AKF. If you have any questions, please email

1 of 5
Which best describes your kidney disease? *Required
2 of 5
Which option for managing your kidney disease are you interested in exploring? *Required

Choose one or more:

3 of 5
Which aspect of your health and lifestyle would you like to focus on? *Required

Choose one to focus on first:

4 of 5
How would you describe your overall eating habits? *Required

Choose one:

5 of 5
What factors are most important to you when considering treatment options? *Required

Choose one or more:

Restart the quiz

Download this infographic on ways to prevent kidney disease

Download Your CKD Toolkit

Download this FIRST30 checklist to learn what questions to ask during your first month of dialysis

Download our Transplant Toolkit

The statements and opinions contained here are strictly those of the American Kidney Fund and do not represent official positions of any governing medical body. This information is not intended to provide medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment from a qualified professional. All information presented here should be used in consultation with a doctor of your choice.

American Kidney Fund

Knowing the cause can help you and your healthcare team create an informed plan to manage your health.

This tool will not tell you the cause of your kidney disease but will guide you through talking points and questions to ask during your next doctor's visit. By advocating for yourself, you can work together with your healthcare team to try to find the cause of your kidney disease.


By submitting this quiz, you are agreeing to the American Kidney Fund (AKF) privacy policy. Your quiz results will be stored and processed by AKF. If you have any questions, please email

1 of 5
Has a doctor told you that you have any of these health conditions? *Required

Choose all that apply:

2 of 5
Have you had any of these tests for kidney health? *Required

Choose all that apply:

3 of 5
Have you had genetic testing to find genes that may be linked to kidney disease? *Required
4 of 5
Do any of your close family members have any of these health conditions? *Required

Close family members include your parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, and uncles. Choose all that apply:

5 of 5
Are you of Western or Central African ancestry? *Required

You may be of Western or Central African ancestry if you identify as Black, African American, African, Afro-Caribbean, Hispanic or Latino.

Your guide

Start a conversation

Based on your answers, here are some topics and questions you may want to talk about with your doctor at your next visit.

Restart the quiz

Download your conversation guide

Download this guide to share with your doctor during your next visit.

By submitting this form, you are signing up to receive email communications from the American Kidney Fund. You can change your preferences or unsubscribe at any time. Email with any questions.

The statements and opinions contained here are strictly those of the American Kidney Fund and do not represent official positions of any governing medical body. This information is not intended to provide medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment from a qualified professional. All information presented here should be used in consultation with a doctor of your choice.