Bambi W. Gaddist, DrPH
Dr. Bambi W. Gaddist is Principle of Structural Health Dynamics, LLC., a South Carolina based public health firm that builds institutional skills and program capacity among organizations and systems addressing serving vulnerable populations. She received a Bachelor of Science from Tuskegee University in the area of Physical Education and Health, a M.S in Physical Education Administration/Health from Indiana University, and completed Doctoral studies in the areas of Human Sexuality and Family Life Education at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Gaddist is passionate about advancing healthcare access and has committed the past 45 years of her professional life working in the area of human sexuality with a specific focus on HIV/AIDS/STI community level mobilization, behavioral intervention, research, and providing capacity building that promotes community wellness.
She was co-founder and served as CEO of the South Carolina HIV Council-Wright Wellness Center for 28 years. Dr. Gaddist currently serves as Treasurer of the National Black Women's HIV/AIDS Network and Board Member of the Southern AIDS Coalition. She received the Indiana University Bicentennial Medal for contributions in public health in 2020 and was voted Black Alumni of the Year at the University of South Carolina (FY 2019). Dr. Gaddist was nominated as a CNN Hero during 2008 and featured on CNN/Essence Magazine's "Recapturing The Dream" in 2009. She currently serves as a HIV/COVID-19 Prevention Network Faith Ambassador supported through the Fred Hutch Clinical Trial Network (Seattle, WA).