Unknown Causes of Kidney Disease Project
The American Kidney Fund's (AKF) Unknown Causes of Kidney Disease Project seeks to improve understanding of how undiagnosed or misdiagnosed causes of kidney disease directly impact patient care and outcomes.

Introducing Know Your Cause
Know Your Cause, part of AKF’s Know Your Kidneys program, provides disease-specific content on possible causes of a person's existing kidney disease, including diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), or a rare or genetic disease. Know Your Cause offers information about testing options, finding a genetic counselor and participating in clinical trials, as well as an interactive tool to guide patients on how to speak with their doctor about identifying the cause of their kidney disease.
The Unknown Causes of Kidney Disease Roadmap
View the slides from the panel discussion
A variety of health and environmental conditions can lead to kidney disease and, in some cases, kidney failure. Identifying the root cause of patients' kidney disease, both early in the disease and as a life-preserving necessity, is important for making crucial treatment decisions.
As a champion of people living with kidney disease, the American Kidney Fund (AKF) has long been engaged with stakeholders across the healthcare sector and utilizing these relationships to identify both the barriers that this patient population faces in seeking a diagnosis and the challenges that not having a clear diagnosis cause in patients' lives. AKF's Unknown Causes of Kidney Disease Project seeks to improve understanding of how undiagnosed or misdiagnosed causes of kidney disease directly impact patient care and outcomes.
AKF held the Unknown Causes of Kidney Disease Summit in December 2020, bringing together medical leaders, patient advocates, and academic and industry researchers, to identify how the kidney community can drive innovation in research, diagnosis and treatment of the underlying causes of kidney disease. Leading experts reviewed the research on the subject, heard directly from affected patients, identified barriers to progress, and developed a plan for a path forward to address this serious issue in nephrology.
After refining the key takeaways from the Summit, AKF developed a roadmap to present a path forward for improving the diagnosis of the causes of kidney disease and kidney failure. Overcoming barriers to identifying the root cause of kidney disease for currently unknown reasons, will not be accomplished quickly. However, thoughtful, dedicated collaboration among the kidney care community can result in steady progress toward expanding access to genetic testing, reducing systemic inequalities, engaging providers, and empowering patients. The solutions that AKF outlines in this roadmap, based on expert input from the Summit, and supported by educational resources and best practices for patient-provider communication, can help reduce the number of patients unaware of the origins of their kidney disease.

Latest news
American Kidney Fund Survey Underscores Need to Expand Testing for Chronic Kidney Disease and Increase Awareness of Rare Kidney Diseases
As a part of its Unknown Causes of Kidney Disease (UCKD) Project, AKF surveyed health care providers to understand opportunities and barriers in diagnosing chronic kidney disease.

Unknown Causes of Kidney Disease Project roadmap
Download our roadmap which presents a path forward for improving the diagnosis of the causes of kidney disease and kidney failure. The solutions that AKF outlines in this roadmap, based on expert input from leading experts and patients, and supported by educational resources and best practices for patient-provider communication, can help reduce the number of patients unaware of the origins of their kidney disease.
Latest updates on the Unknown Causes of Kidney Disease Project
To date, AKF has hosted five summits of the UCKD Project, the latest of which brought together medical and industry leaders together with patient advocates and was held in September 2024 in Washington, D.C.
With guidance from these workgroups, AKF's UCKD Project has:
- Surveyed people living with kidney disease about the cause of their kidney disease and their diagnostic journey
- Created videos that tell the stories of people living with rare kidney diseases
- Developed and launched a community resource finder
- Launched "Know Your Cause" resources, part of the Know Your Kidneys program
- Partnered with gymnastics champion Suni Lee to raise awareness about the importance of getting an accurate diagnosis
- Formed the UCKD Coalition and held two rare kidney disease fly-ins
- Published a study of health care providers that provided insights into opportunities and barriers in diagnosing kidney disease
- Launched continuing medical education courses
The work of the UCKD Project continues, focusing on reaching into communities of color, empowering caregivers with new resources, reaching community physicians and more.
If you or your organization is interested in partnering with AKF to accomplish these goals, please email Jemetra Collins, Director of Professional Education at jcollins@kidneyfund.org.
A patient perspective
Watch Shayla's story
Shayla, a former Division I athlete and seemingly healthy young adult, was referred to a nephrologist after severely swollen feet led her doctor to conduct bloodwork. After additional testing, the nephrologist told Shayla that she would need a kidney transplant or dialysis to survive. Shayla was incredibly fortunate to receive a transplant from her twin sister, Ivy, 10 years ago. Now married and the mother of two young boys, Shayla is participating in research led by Dr. Martin Pollak, investigating genetic markers of kidney disease. She hopes to discover whether her kidney failure has genetic origins so that her sons can live healthier lives.
Title Sponsors
Leadership Sponsors
Champion Sponsors
Summit Steering Committee:
Anna White, MD, MBA
US Medical Affairs, Medical Director — Nephrology
IM US Medical Affairs
Dominika Murphy
Patient Engagement
David Baron, Ph.D.
PKD Science Consultant
Former Chief Scientific Officer, PKD Foundation
Ali Gharavi, M.D.
Chief, Division of Nephrology
Member, Institute for Genomic Medicine
New York-Presbyterian/ Columbia University Medical Center
Kevin Ho, M.D.
Medical Director, US Medical Affairs- Rare Diseases
Sanofi Genzyme
Jack Johnson
Executive Director and Co-Founder
Fabry Support and Information Group
Anna Köttgen, M.D., MPH
Director, Institute of Genetic Epidemiology
University of Freiburg, Germany
Trudy McKanna, M.S.
Director, Medical Education- Transplant and Renal Genetics
Silas Norman, M.D., MPH
Associate Professor, University of Michigan Division of Nephrology
Vice Chair of Medical Affairs Committee, American Kidney Fund
Julie Wright Nunes, M.D., MPH
Associate Professor, University of Michigan Department of Internal Medicine
Chair of Medical Affairs Committee, American Kidney Fund
Summit Presenters:
Dr. Ali Gharavi
Chief, Division of Nephrology
Member, Institute for Genomic Medicine
New York-Presbyterian/ Columbia University Medical Center
Dr. Martin Pollak
Chief, Division of Nephrology and Director, Pollak Lab
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Patient/Caregiver Advocates:
Theresa Caldron
Amanda Goldstein
Shayla Harris
Deanna Nicole Hunt
Paul Rakoski
Summit Participants:
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
John Viel, PhD- Senior Medical Director, Nephrology
Alport Syndrome Foundation
Kevin Schnurr- Dir. of Communications and Patient Engagement
American Association of Kidney Patients
Richard Knight- President
American Nephrology Nurses Association
American Society of Nephrology
Susan Stark- Acting VP, Excellence in Patient Care
Ronald Falk, MD, FASN- Past President
Atypical HUS Foundation
David Deffenbaugh- Executive Director
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Jesse Roach, MD- Nephrologist, Medical Officer, Center for Clinical Standards and Quality
Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.
Angela Jourdain, Dr. PH., MSN, RN, CCRN, NEA-BC - Past President
Stacey Johnson, DNP, MSN, BSN, RN, CCM- Assistant Regional Director
Dialysis Patient Citizens
Kathi Niccum, EdD- Education Director
IgA Nephropathy Foundation of America, Inc.
Bonnie Schneider- Founder and Director
ICAHN School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Paolo Cravedi, MD, PhD- Principal Investigator, the TANGO Study, Cravedi Laboratory
International Society of Nephrology
Shuchi Anand, MD, MS- Board Member, Director of the Center for Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease at Stanford University
Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO)
John Davis- CEO
National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Ivonne Schulman, MD- Program Director, Division of Kidney, Urologic and Hematologic Diseases
National Kidney Foundation
Jennifer St. Clair Russell, PhD, MSEd, MCHES- Sr. VP Education and Programs
National Medical Association
Oliver Brooks, MD- Immediate Past President
National Minority Organ Transplant Education Program (MOTTEP)
Clive Callender, MD- President and Founder
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)
Alicia Lawrence, LMSW- Patient Services Case Manager
National Society of Genetic Counselors
Gillian Hooker, PhD, ScM- President
NephCure Kidney International
Kristen Hood, MSN, RN- Director Clinical Outreach
Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Charlotte Jones-Burton, MD, MS- VP, Global Clinical Development, Nephrology
Oxalosis & Hyperoxaluria Foundation
Kim Hollander- Executive Director
Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation
Chris Rusconi, PhD- Chief Research Officer
Renal Pathology Society
Jeffrey Hodgin, MD, PhD- Board of Advisors
Renal Physicians Association
Amy Beckrich, CAE- Project Director
U.S. Veterans Affairs
Susan Crowley, MD, MBA, FASN- National Program Director for Kidney Disease and Dialysis
Deborah Hartzfeld- Lead Genetic Counselor, Genomic Medicine Service
University of Michigan
Alan Leichtman, MD- Professor Emeritus, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology
University of Michigan Medical School
Laura Heyns Mariani, MD- NEPTUNE Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network
Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine/Nephrology
Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Ogo Egbuna, MD- Sr. Medical Director