Encouraging organ donation and supporting kidney transplants
Kidney transplant is considered the best treatment option for many people facing kidney failure because it can increase their chances of living a longer, healthier life.

Kidney transplantation is considered the best treatment option for people facing kidney failure because it can increase their chances of living a longer, healthier life. However, the number of people on the organ transplant waiting list is great — about 105,000 Americans are on the list, with 86 percent of those in need of a kidney. Many will die before they receive one because of the dire shortage of kidneys for transplant.
To encourage organ donation and increase kidney transplants, AKF supports:
- Federal legislation, such as the Living Donor Protection Act, that would encourage organ donation and protect living organ donors from discrimination when seeking life, disability and long-term care insurance. It would also codify that living organ donors may use Family and Medical Leave time to recover from donation surgery and maintain job security.
- State legislation that provides tax breaks to living donors and employers who provide paid leave, as well as state legislation that mirrors the federal Living Donor Protection Act.
- Legislation and regulatory actions to improve the organ transplant ecosystem and align policies across all stakeholders, including providers, dialysis facilities, organ procurement organizations and transplant centers.
Appropriate implementation of extended Medicare coverage of immunosuppressive drugs for kidney transplant recipients.