Press release
American Kidney Fund Receives Capacity-Building Investment Grant from Healthcare Initiative Foundation to Support Safety Net Grants for Kidney Patients in Montgomery County
ROCKVILLE, Md.(June 23, 2022) — The American Kidney Fund (AKF) has received a $20,000 grant from the Healthcare Initiative Foundation (HIF) as part of FY22 Capacity Building investment cycle to provide safety net grants to people with kidney disease who reside in historically underserved areas of Montgomery County over 12 months.
AKF is the only nonprofit organization specifically providing unrestricted financial assistance to people with kidney disease nationwide through its safety net grants. Gaps in healthcare coverage leave tens of thousands of low-income patients unable to afford life-saving treatment. AKF's safety net grants address those gaps, helping to cover critical needs which directly impact a patient's health status. These critical needs include transportation to and from medical appointments, over-the-counter medicines and co-pays, mobility aids, home hemodialysis supplies, medical supplies and food.
"As an organization headquartered in Montgomery County, we are honored to receive this grant to further support people who live with kidney disease in our local community," said LaVarne A. Burton, AKF President and CEO. "This funding will help us continue addressing the disproportionate impact of kidney disease on underserved communities and communities of color in our county."
Since 2019, AKF has provided $26,550 in safety-net assistance to Montgomery County residents with kidney disease. Of the recipients in Montgomery County, 76% are people of color, 70% are age 50 or older and 76% are living on annual average household incomes of less than $20,000.
HIF is a private foundation based in Germantown, Maryland that is committed to ensuring the Montgomery County community has equitable access to high-quality, comprehensive, and cost-effective health and wellness services. Through its investments, HIF funds projects that will address the disproportionate health outcomes in Montgomery County through cross-sectoral approaches to a person's health and wellness, factoring in the social determinants of health, including the intersections of education, employment, environment, and race and ethnicity.
"The Healthcare Initiative Foundation is thrilled to partner with the American Kidney Fund for the first time ever in our FY22 Capacity Building grant cycle. This investment of $20,000 will allow 80 members of our community living with kidney disease access to life-sustaining medications, supplies, and medical appointments. We know the impact will be tremendous and we look forward to the year to come," said Crystal Townsend, President and CEO of Healthcare Initiative Foundation.
About the American Kidney Fund
The American Kidney Fund (AKF) fights kidney disease on all fronts as the nonprofit with the greatest direct impact on people with kidney disease. AKF works on behalf of 1 in 7 Americans living with kidney disease, and the millions more at risk, with an unmatched scope of programs that support people wherever they are in their fight against kidney disease—from prevention through transplant. AKF fights for kidney health for all through programs that address early detection, disease management, financial assistance, clinical research, innovation and advocacy. AKF is one of the nation’s top-rated nonprofits, investing 97 cents of every donated dollar in programs, and it has received 24 consecutive 4-Star ratings from Charity Navigator as well as the Platinum Seal of Transparency from Candid, formerly known as GuideStar.
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