URGENT: Tell Your Representative to Oppose Cuts to Medicaid
Email your lawmakersMedicaid is a lifeline for millions of people, including those with and at risk for chronic kidney disease and dually eligible (Medicare and Medicaid) dialysis patients.
The 119th Congress is considering significant spending cuts to the Medicaid program, including, but not limited to, the below policies:
Medicaid work requirements Block grants and per capita caps Elimination or reduction of expansion matching rate Elimination or reduction of minimum matching rate Elimination or restriction of state use of provider taxes Policies that make it harder to enroll or re-enroll in coverageResearch shows access to Medicaid leads to better health outcomes. Since the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, 41 states and the District of Columbia expanded their Medicaid programs to all people who make 138% of poverty, which is $20,783 annual income for an individual in 2025. There are currently 9 states that did not expand Medicaid, and we have seen the difference in health status in the states that expanded Medicaid, including improved blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Nearly 75% of new cases of kidney failure are due to diabetes and hypertension/heart disease.
In states that expanded Medicaid, data shows lower mortality rates in the first year among people who started dialysis compared to those in states that did not expand Medicaid. Additionally, more patients in states with Medicaid expansion were preemptively placed on the transplant list so they could be on dialysis for a shorter time.
Please urge your elected officials to oppose Medicaid cuts in any reconciliation or other legislative package during the 119th Congress.