California, Close the Gap in Medigap Coverage
Email your lawmakersThousands of Californians depend on dialysis to treat end-stage renal disease (ESRD), also known as kidney failure. Without dialysis or a kidney transplant, ESRD is fatal. Despite this, patients under 65 throughout the state are struggling to cover the cost of their care.
SB 242, introduced by Sen. Catherine Blakespear, expands insurance availability for ESRD patients under 65 in California, which will help these patients get the insurance they need. Please email your legislator and ask them to support SB 242.
Medicare covers 80% of the cost of dialysis for ESRD patients, but patients are responsible for 20% coinsurance with no out-of-pocket maximum for dialysis. These payments are costly and can add up to $17,000 each year. This can be a devastating financial burden, especially for those who are too sick to work.
Some insurance providers offer Medigap policies to help people pay the costs that Medicare does not cover. This coverage is critical to help access care; in addition, ESRD Medicare beneficiaries are required to have supplemental insurance to get on the kidney transplant waiting list. SB 242 directs insurance companies to offer Medigap policies to people under 65, reducing the financial burden of care. The bill also makes sure that people under 65 are not charged more for policies simply because of their age.
Californians under 65 simply want to be able to purchase the coverage they need. No one should face bankruptcy or miss out on a life-saving transplant because they don't have the chance to buy insurance.
Click here to email your legislator and ask them to support SB 242 and become a co-sponsor.