Press release

American Kidney Fund Statement of Support for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

ROCKVILLE, Md. (March 19, 2021) — The American Kidney Fund today released the following statement condemning the rise in hate crimes and discrimination against Asian Americans:

The American Kidney Fund stands in solidarity with Asian Americans against the racist, xenophobic rhetoric and violence directed toward their community, especially the shootings this week that took the lives of eight people in Georgia, including six Asian women. We denounce and deplore this hatred directed toward our Asian American and Pacific Islander sisters and brothers and support those who have been hurt, frightened or targeted by these racist acts.

One of our core values as an organization is a culture characterized by diversity, respect and collaboration, and we have long focused on addressing the health disparities that plague communities of color in our country. These acts of hate and bigotry should have no place in the United States. Our nation cannot truly be in good health until racism and racist- and gender-based violence are addressed. It is a disgrace to our society. We call on elected officials, law enforcement and our fellow Americans to acknowledge and address these issues so we can move forward as a nation united.

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About the American Kidney Fund

The American Kidney Fund (AKF) fights kidney disease on all fronts as the nonprofit with the greatest direct impact on people with kidney disease. AKF works on behalf of 1 in 7 Americans living with kidney disease, and the millions more at risk, with an unmatched scope of programs that support people wherever they are in their fight against kidney disease—from prevention through transplant. AKF fights for kidney health for all through programs that address early detection, disease management, financial assistance, clinical research, innovation and advocacy. AKF is one of the nation’s top-rated nonprofits, investing 97 cents of every donated dollar in programs, and it has received 24 consecutive 4-Star ratings from Charity Navigator as well as the Platinum Seal of Transparency from Candid, formerly known as GuideStar.

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